Now you can individually purchase our first ever Court's General Store adventure stickers!
Inspiration Behind our Adventure Stickers
We wanted to create stickers that not only embodied Court and her love of adventure but inspired you babes to get out there and explore as well!
Juniper the Jeep Sticker
Did you know that Court’s jeep is named Juniper? A jeep is Court’s dream car and now Juniper takes her on all of her adventures!
Save and Protect Sticker
We had to create a sticker that shared one of Court’s General Store’s passions. We have one planet, let's treat it like our home and take good care of it!
On the Trail Sticker
Court’s signature boots! She wears them while hitting the trails. We created this sticker to inspire you to get out and explore. Also, how cute is the Court's boot tag!
The Shop Sticker
How cute would this be as a sign outside a store someday? *WINK WINK* If you love Court’s General Store as much as we do this would look so cute on your water bottle or laptop!
Wildflower Sticker
Being inspired by the 70’s, we wanted to top off this theme with our own twist on the classic smiley face flower.
We can't wait to see you get your stickers! Whether you are at home or exploring, make sure to tag us at @courtsgeneralstore for a chance to be featured in our next blog post + on social.
Happy adventuring!
-Court's General Store Team
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