Orders are processed and shipped from our Boulder, Colorado location usually within three to five business days of the order being placed. Transit times are provided by the carrier and vary with package destination. Please note: transit days are an estimate only, and may vary depending on the carrier. Shipping costs are determined by the weight and size of the items purchased, the method of shipping chosen, and the destination address.
If you receive an item that is damaged please contact us immediately. All damages must be reported within 48 hours upon receiving your order so that we can sort out a refund with the carrier.
Court's General Store is not responsible for lost, delayed or stolen packages. Please contact your local post office to remedy the situation. In these instances, Court's General Store is not able to freely replace or refund the items, but we will do our best to assist you in sorting out the situation with the carrier, if contacted within 30 days. This can in some instances take a few days to a few weeks.  Once a package is tendered to the carrier, many factors are out of our control. If a package is marked as delivered, but missing from the point of delivery, we cannot be held responsible for refunding or replacing.